Friday, September 3, 2010

Spicing Up Training Runs

Happy Friday! I am very, very soar today! It might partly be due to all the dancing I did last night with my friend ; ) Today I am taking a complete "Rest" day (I am trying to do minimal walking too). So, I thought I would entertain you with a review of a recent article I read: 3 Tips To Keeping Your Marathon Training Runs Fresh. I really liked this short article and thought it gave some helpful advice. My thoughts:

** I agree that training for any type of race (especially half marathon and marathon) can be hard. Balancing the training between all other aspects of life can be challenging. This time around, with my training, I am taking the advice of the article and learning to be more flexible. I have a "Type A" personality, so learning to be more flexible and not following a training plan exactly have been hard. However, adding flexibility into the plan has allowed me to not stress about the weather, enjoy an unplanned race, enjoy social events, etc. I think flexibility is extremely important to one's sanity while training.

**I have never done "The Ladder" workout while on a long run, but when I run on the treadmill I usually change up my speed every minute or two. This technique has definitely helped me with the boredom of running in place. As I get up to higher distances on my long run days I will definitely need some incentive or motivation enhancer, so I will give this workout a try.

** I do the "Social Butterfly" workout quite frequently when I run outside. I am naturally competitive when I run(which is SO weird to me because I am not competitive AT ALL in real life), so I usually try to run and pass the person in front of me. This "game" is pretty fun and can make the time go by. I highly suggest trying this workout!

**My favorite workout in this article is the "Explore." I think it is a very, very creative idea and I will definitely try it soon. I have never done this type of workout, but I have done a similar one where I take the T to a destination and then run back from it. This was pretty fun and switched things up from a typical long run. Also, (I have never tried this but really want to) I heard of people running the Freedom Trail in Boston (about 3 miles one way).

Has anyone tried any of these workouts? Does anyone know of other "fun" workouts?

Have a great day and enjoy the long weekend!!!!

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