Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Monday Funday

Good Afternoon! I hope everyone is having a good start to the week. I had a great Monday! It's weird...sometimes after an indulgent couple of days it is nice to take it easy and enjoy the consistency of working and doing errands.

My Monday started off with a little babysitting...

A little background... I am currently in my 3rd year of a MS/CAGS School Psychology program and had my first summer off from classes in a long time. With my time off, I worked full time (well 27.5 hours) for 6 weeks as an aide for three children with Autism/PDD. Since I had a few weeks in between when the program ended and when I start my full time internship (September 13th) I agreed to babysit a few days for a family I worked with last summer. They have one little boy who is 3.

So as I was saying... I started off the day hanging out in the park playing baseball, making sand castles and playing soccer.

After babysitting I met Evan at Whole Foods (my favorite store in the whole world) for our weekly shopping trip. I love how food shopping is almost like a reward for me. The whole time while I was babysitting I kept thinking only a few more hours until I can go food shopping, HAHA I am so silly sometimes. Anyways, I was so proud of us because we finally got our weekly grocery bill down to $100. We have been going a little overboard with our food selection and have been trying to make a conscientious effort to cut down. With that said, we usually eat most breakfasts and lunches from home and 4-5 dinners at home.

Does anyone have any helpful tips on cutting back on the grocery bill?

Once home, I made a great late lunch: A toasted open face ham, cheese and tomato sandwich, Leftover orzo salad and Cantaloupe.

My afternoon consisted of paying bills, making unfun phone calls (Comcast, etc.) and planing Evan's 26th birthday celebrations.

I headed to the gym around 5:30 and did:

15 minutes on the Stair Climber
15 minutes on the Elliptical
3 x 10 leg presses
3 x 10 chess presses
3 x10 biceps curl
3 x 10 triceps dip
3 x 10 lungs
3 x 10 shoulder raises
3 x 10 push ups
3 x 10 dead lifts
3 x 10 rows
3 x 10 back pull down machine?? (not sure what the name of this machine is)
Stretch on the foam roller

My workout took a little over an hour and surprisingly I was not that soar from my 9 mile run. It is funny, the only part of my body that was really soar was the left side of my neck (I must have slept on it funny).

Once home, I made some fish (marinated with a little butter, lemon juice, garlic, tomatoes and herbs), string beans (steamed) and corn on the cob (my FAVORITE summer veggie). Oh and a little Naan bread on the side, just because I LOVE bread.

I then enjoyed a little frozen yogurt while I caught up with reality tv (Jersey Shore, Real Housewives of NJ).

By the way did anyone catch the finally for the Real Housewives of NJ? How crazy is Danielle????

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